
About Malaysia

About Malaysia 

Multiculturalism has not only made Malaysia a gastronomical paradise, it has also made Malaysia home to hundreds of colourful festivals. It's no wonder that we love celebrating and socialising. As a people, Malaysians are very laid back, warm and friendly.

Geographically, Malaysia is as diverse as its culture. There are two parts to the country, 11 states in the peninsula of Malaysia and two states on the northern part of Borneo. Cool hideaways are found in the highlands that roll down to warm, sandy beaches and rich, humid mangroves.

One of Malaysia's key attractions is its extreme contrasts. Towering skyscrapers look down upon wooden houses built on stilts, and five-star hotels sit several metres away from ancient reefs.

For the perfect holiday full of surprises, eclectic cultures and natural wonders, the time is now, the place is Malaysia.

Car Rental Malaysia


329,758 square km

27.17 million

Capital City
Kuala Lumpur

Malays comprise 57% of the population, while the Chinese, Indian and Indigenous Bumiputeras and other races make up the rest of the country's population.

(Bahasa Melayu)Malay is the national language in use, but English is widely spoken. The ethnic groups also converse in the various languages and dialects.

Islam is the official religion of the country, but other religions are widely practised.

Eight hours ahead of GMT and 16 hours ahead of U.S Standard Time.

Voltage is 220 - 240 Volt AC at 50 cycles per second. Standard 3- pin square plugs and socket.


Local calls can be made from public phones using shillings or prepaid cards. International calls can also be made using card phones or at any Telekom office.

Car Rental Malaysia

Car Rental Malaysia

Things to do

Island / Beaches

Frolic in the sand, under the refreshing weather.
Be mesmerised by the wonders of Malaysia!


Chinatown! It's loud, it’s packed with people, and it has some pretty good bargains.

Food & Dining

Savour Malaysia’s gastronomical delights, with its rich local influences, and modern fusion.


A unique Malaysian culture is a mix of its rich heritage, lifestyle and much more!

Car Rental Malaysia

Car Rental Malaysia

Car Rental Malaysia

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